In light of the ongoing Y10 Youth Crusade being held at the Hillview church there will be no AY this afternoon nor Wednesday night service this week. We are asking all our members to go out in support of the young people of our conference during the crusade.
Board meeting tomorrow at 5:00pm. All board members are asked to be there and on time.
Pastor seeks the prayers for him and his family as they travel on holidays for the next few weeks.
Bethany wishes to thank Sis. Pandora McKinney who donated a ping pong table to the church in support of our young people having additional activities during their socials. Additionally she donated a grill for the church. Now we can go ahead and plan a huge social before the end of the summer. We say a heart felt thank you to Sis. Penny.
Early Morning Prayer Meeting continues each Sabbath morning at 8am. All are encouraged to come out as we pray for the church and for the nation at large.
Below is your special invitation to join us for our Women's Ministry Emphasis Day, this coming Sabbath August 15, 2015. Hope to see you there.
17 Fruit, Vegetables & Grains Day
22 Music Day
24 Fruit, Vegetables & Grains Day
29 Super Sabbath / Adventist Education Day Emphasis
31 Fruits, Vegetables & Grains Day [Each Monday after the weekend]
Bethany’s next baptism is April 4, Easter Sabbath. If you would like to be included, please share with the Pastor, Elders or Sis Paulette Dean.
Bethany’s prayer focus for March 22-28: For a Closer Relationship with Christ.
The ABC will have a storewide sale on Thursday, March 26. You are encouraged to get your Easter specials early.
Praise Reunion will be in Concert on Sunday April 5 at Evangelistic Temple. Tickets are available at the Conference Office.
The Brothers’ Love Band Boat Cruise will be next Saturday night, March 28 at 7:45. Prince George Wharf. Tickets are available from Bro Randy Forbes. It is an evening of music and wholesome family fun.
20 First day of Spring
21 Global Youth Day – Youth Pastor Alvarico Moss
21 Women’s Ministry Prayer service @ 5 pm (Postponed)
22 BA PTA Fun walk & Souse out 7 am from Blue Hill Plaza to School
22 Benefit Concert for Stephen Brown @ BFM @ 7pm
28 Community Guest Day, potluck lunch for everyone
28 Blood Bank will be here present, parking lot. Please give blood. 1-3 pm
3 Good Friday Holiday
4 Easter Baptism Sabbath
5 Easter Sunday
5 Praise Reunion Concert at Evangelistic Assembly
5-12 Union Pathfinder Camporee, Group visit.
6 Easter Monday holiday. “Let’s Move, Fun Run Walk”
11 Bethany Church 18 Anniversary
18 Elders Day
25 Health Evangelism Intensive (1 week). Health Book of the Year Distribution
2 End of One-Week Intensive Health Evangelism / Baptism
9 Mothers’ Day – Men & Non-mothers in charge
16 Pastor Peter Kerr ( Clarke @ Johnson Park}
23 World Day of Prayer for Children
25 Whit Monday Holiday
27 Joint prayer meeting (ATCU symposium, field reports)
13 WM Emphasis / Baptism
15 BA Elementary & Kindergarten Graduation
16 BA Secondary Graduation
17-20 South Bahamas Conference Camp Meeting
27 Vision One Million Baptismal Day
Come experience your personal restoration, renewal, revival, and reconnecting this Sabbath at Bethany ... where resurrection takes place.... as we share in "Communion with a Difference" .... Invite your family, friends and others to join us and participate in this wonderful service.
This Sabbath March 7, 2015 is Health Day at Bethany.
Does God care about our bodies?
Does it make a difference with God what, how or when we eat?
Come and celebrate with us as we honor all Health Professionals.
Special music include the Bethany Praise Team, Bro. Marvin Edgar and Sis. Annmarie Miller
Additionally, we invite you to join us for our baptism after the service
"The Women's Ministry of Bethany S.D.A Church invites you to the first seminar of the year, "Who moved my cheese? It will be held Sunday February 22, 2015 at 3pm at Bethany, Westridge, Cable Beach. It's purpose is to empower both Men and Women towards personal, professional and spiritual productivity as the Holy Spirit leads us out of the "mazes" and "ruts" in our lives. Plan to be there! God is waiting to do a new thing for you. Call 436-3421 to register today!
The Bethany Church family cordially invite you to the Installation Service of our new pastor, Eric D. Clarke, Sis Patrice Clarke and family. The service will begin at 11 a.m. however, as we expect a full house you are encouraged to come early to secure your seat.
If you are unable to attend the service, you would be able to view the live stream by clicking on the link on our Media page.
We look forward to seeing you.
It's Anniversary time again at Bethany. We began last Sabbath with Pastor Michael Smith, President of the Turks and Caicos Island Mission and the first pastor of the Bethany SDA Church preaching a powerful message.
We will continue on our celebrations as follows:
Friday April 13, 2012 at 7:15 p.m. - Reflections, Music and a Vesper Thought by Pastor Leo Rolle a former Pastor of the Bethany Church.
Sabbath April 14, 2012 at 9:15 a.m. - Sabbath School followed by Divine Service at 11:00 a.m. with our current pastor, Pastor Andrew E. Burrows as the speaker.
Sunday April 15, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. - Fun Day on the church grounds.
You don't want to miss any of these services/events, as you are sure to receive a blessing from the Lord, as we worship and fellowship together.
We look forward to seeing you there!
It’s Youth Month at Bethany!!!!! During March, we will approach youth outreach holistically, providing opportunities throughout the month to engage youth and young adults through Bible study, community outreach, leadership training and recreational activities. The flagship programme of the month is “Fuelled: Being a Catalyst for Change”. It’s an interactive worship experience aimed at youth, young adults and all those seeking to reignite their personal commitment to Christ and His public call to discipleship. Mark your calendars for March 21-31 (Wed, Fri, Sat only).
The "Believer's Revival Series For Christ" with Evangelist Harvey Braithwaite came to a close on Sabbath February 25, 2012. We thank you for your prayers and support during the one week campaign. We also thank our God for the move of his Holy Spirit during these meetings and for the four (4) precious souls that were won for his Kingdom. For this we say, "To God be the glory, great things he has done".
To those who have committed their lives to Jesus Christ and have followed him all the way into the watery grave of baptism, we say, God bless you and that we will pray your strength in the Lord, as you allow him to direct your path. We love you and we are here for you. Let us continue to grow, pray, study, praise and worship together, under the guidence of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The "Believer's Revival Series of Jesus Christ" with Evangelist Harvey Braithwaite began on Saturday evening February 18, 2012 at 7:15 p.m. at the Bethany Church and will continue nightly at 7:15 p.m. except for Monday & Thursday nights. A special invitation is extended to all who desire a better understanding of the word of God. The final service in this series will be held on Sabbath February 25 at 10:30 a.m.
The Topics Are as Follows:
Saturday Feb. 18th 7:15 p.m. - Who freed the slaves?
Sunday Feb. 19th 7:15 p.m. - A Marriage made in Heaven.
Tuesday Feb. 21st 7:15 p.m. - How the dead helps the living?
Wednesday Feb 22nd 7:15 p.m. - Resting in Jesus and still alive.
Friday Feb 24th 7:15 p.m. - Jehovah Jireh! - The Lord will provide
Saturday Feb. 25th 10:30 a.m. - Why so much water?
What is the ACUM Prayer Initiative?
It is a call to prayer and devotion to Christ in the context of Revival and Reformation.
When does it begin and end?
The ACUM Prayer Initiative begins January 1, 2012 and continues until December 31, 2012. Our Constant In Prayer program underscored more than ever that we need prayer each day like we need oxygen each second. Many are the trials and issues that come upon us daily, and therefore, we need to be prayed up. In the words of the Apostle Paul "Let's pray without ceasing" or simply pray always.
What is the focus of our prayers?
While the focus of the ACUM Prayer Initiative is on members and institutions, we also will pray for the countries in the ACUM territory namely, the Bahamas, Cayman, and the Turks and Caicos Islands. You are aware that elections are scheduled for the Bahamas. Let's remember that we are children of God and behave accordingly. In Turks, there is the uncertainty as to what will happen given the absence of a locally elected government. So, we must be constant in prayer.
May we pray for other entities in addition to what are assigned?
Yes. Although an assigned time has been given to pray for each field, church district, and institution, we may pray for other needs and concerns of our field or church/institution at any time.
Does this initiative replace other prayer programs?
No. The intent is for the ACUM Prayer Initiative to augment other prayer ventures. As noted in the prayer brochure, ACUM is a young and emerging field that needs the wisdom and guidance of God as it grows. Consequently, the ACUM Prayer Initiative gives direct focus to union-wide needs that we are asking you to add to your prayer list as we unite to proclaim God's word.
May we submit praise reports?
Yes. We welcome testimonies from each field and institution and look forward to receiving stories on how God is blessing. We anticipate video reports from the fields which would be most effective for sharing the inspiration of God's miraculous power with our union family.
With God all things are possible. Let us unite our hearts and efforts in prayer for each other.
December 18, 2011 at 6:30 pm is the Bethany Church's Banquet at Bethany Cove Westridge. In an effort to make this occassion one that all church members family and friends of Bethany could attend, the tickets were priced at an affordable rate of $15.00 for adults and $7.50 for children under 15 years.
This occassion is a time of celebration for us along with family and friends of Bethany to fellowship and thank God for His grace and Mercy extended to us throughout this year. Come and share in with us as we have a great time in the Lord.
For tickets please contact Jackie Smith or Renne Scavella or send your request along with contact information to and we would get back to you with the tickets.
Pastor Samuel Telemaque preached a powerful message today led by the Spirit of God to close out the "Shine the Light Gospel Series". When the call was made many responded and nine precious souls gave their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ going all the way into the watery grave of baptism. We say to God be the glory, great things he has done.
We thank Evangelist Andrew Burrows for being used of God for three weeks and the powerful messages that he preached night after night. There are others who desire further studies as they remain in the valley of decision. We pray their strength in the Lord and will seek to study with them unto salvation.
Pastor Samuel Talemaque
Congratulations to Webmaster Wayne Rolle & his wife Dr. Daval Rolle on the birth of their baby girl. She was born Tuesday October 25, 2011 at 7 pounds 11 ounces.
Beginning October 8 through 29, 2011 the Bethany SDA Church will host the "Shine The Light Gospel Series" with Evangelist Andrew E. Burrows. The Series will begin with a Grand Gospel Concert on opening night. The concert is free and all are invited to attend and enjoy the blessings of the Lord as we praise him together.
Services will be held nightly at 7:15 p.m. except for Monday and Thursday nights. The Lord is calling his people to a true worship experience.
In John 4:22-24 Jesus tells us,
22Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.
23But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
24God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
If you truly want to understand what Jesus is saying come out and "Hear the Word of the Lord".
Congratulations to the Bethany Knights Softball Team on their victory over Johnson Park 11-10 on Sunday September 4, 2011 to remain undefeated in the South Bahamas Conference Softball Season.
Orientation for the Elementary and Secondary Division parents will be on Thursday, September 8 at 6:30 p.m. at the Marshall Road Campus.
Orientation for all Elementary and Secondary students will be on Friday, September 9 at 8:50 a.m. at the Marshall Road Campus.
Class will begin for all Elementary and Secondary students on Monday, September 12 at 8:50 a.m.
Parents in need of bus service are asked to sign up on the school’s website as soon as possible.
Bahamas Academy regrets any inconvenience these changes may cause.
Please note that these changes will not affect the reopening dates for the Early Learning Center (ELC) on Old Trail Road.
Orientation for new students of the ELC will be on Friday, September 2 at 8:50 a.m., and classes for all ELC Students begin on Monday, September 5, 2011.
Mr. Anthony Burrows, Principal
Congratulations to the Bethany Knights softball team for their 16 - 7 victory over Maranatha. A special thank you goes out to all the fans who came and supported us.
Congratulations to Alvin Bullard our star power forward of the Bethany Knights Basketball Team and his wife Yolanda on the birth of their new baby girl. Mother and baby are during well. Let us continue to pray for the family.
Congratulations to the Bethany Softball Team for winning their first game of the season against the Hillview Stingers by a score of 13-2. Great job!
Congratulations to the knights of Bethany for winning the Senior Basketball Championship tonight. They defeated the Good News Chariots by the score of 90 - 78.
It was a hotly contested game but with limited players God worked a miracle and we came out victorious. We praise God for His favor on us.
Special thanks goes out to all the players especially Adrian Scavella (MVP), Alvin Bullard, Tony Williams, Rashad Brown and Michael Cooper for their hard work tonight. Thank you also goes to Blair Allen, Gary Bethel and Odessia Forbes who were not able to be at the game because of work and illness. This one for you guys.
We cannot forget Carl Scavella who had to travel and Mark Allen our assistant coach who was committed throughout the season.
Thank you guys and God bless.
We cannot forget our members for their prayers and support. We needed it, we appreciated it and we thank you.
Bethany Knights Basketball Senior Team 2011
The Junior boys basketball team of the Bethany Church won game two and the championship this evening over the Living Faith Church team. Congratulations to the young men. They had a great season and played hard all season long.
Congratulations to the Bethany Knights Junior and Senior Basketball Teams for winning game one of the Championship best of three series . The final scores were as follows:
Junior Team - Bethany 47 Living Faith 44
Senior Team - Bethany 77 Good News 58
Game two is schedule for Thursday evening beginning at 6:30 p.m.
All Bethany Members and friends are asked to come out and cheer for your team.
Congratulations to both of Bethany's SDA Church Basketball teams for making the finals:
Senior Team: Undefeated
Junior Team: Only one loss, but one more game to go tonight.
Come out and tonight and cheer on the Junior Boys who are playing tonight to VICTORY!!!
We would like to extend Happy Birthday Greetings to:
Sister Bullens - July 30
Denise Brathwaite - July 29
Bria Evans - July 29
Marion Mangaroo - July 28
May God continue to Bless you all and once again from the entire Bethany SDA Church, HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
Please remember that the New Bahamas Academy needs you to give a sacraficial offering to ensure that the new school is ready and complete for the upcoming school year.