Please join us in prayer for God's soldiers in the army against Satan, praying against clots, strokes, heart attacks, and all illness, in Jesus' name. Pray for deliverance from all attacks on work, ministry, family, finances, etc, by Jesus' blood. "And they overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb." Thanks.
- Jan 04 2024
"And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, what the beast and the false prophet are. And they shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever." Please pray for the losing forces to be finally, permanently removed from our health, finances, house, work, and ministry, in Jesus' name. Amen. Thanks.
- Jan 04 2024
We have had some demonic attacks at our workplace on planning & implementing plans, with various obvious (seriously obvious) spiritual and physical attacks on specific individuals. Please plead Jesus' blood against the archenemy for us, and pray that the rest of this year have zero messed-up plans or implementations, in any department, in Jesus' name, Amen. Thanks. "And they overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb."
- Jan 04 2024
Happy new year. Please pray that when we return to school next week, *all* the demons messing up the students, etc, will be gone, pleading Mark 7:24-30, in Jesus' name. Thanks. "And they overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb."
- Jan 03 2024
Please pray for the T family, with a recent murder of a family member. Please pray also for the H family, which is under demonic attack from within, as well as the RT family, which is battling heavy satanic assault. Please plead Jesus' blood. Thanks.
- Mar 15 2022
Pray over unemployment, the quashing student loans, wages to the over worked, children's future savings, and protect from drugs that they may get the gospel not wasting away if temptation hurts them.
Apostle Qadmiel BarShamech - Mar 12 2022
A senior supervisor repeatedly deleted work that I did on our system, & blocked my access to an online system needed to do my work, then tried to get me fired for not getting that part of the work done properly. Please pray for me. Thanks.
- Mar 10 2022
Please pray for the long- ordered vehicle to stop delaying, as it is urgently needed for work and ministry. Thanks.
- Mar 08 2022
Please pray against high blood pressure, strokes, and heart attacks, in Jesus' name. Thanks.
- Mar 08 2022
Greetings in Jesus' name. Please join me in pleading Jesus' blood against the devil for some blocked, overdue work to get finished, finally, today. Thanks. "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.." "And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.." "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone.."
- Mar 06 2022
Please pray about urgent transportation issues. Thanks.
- Feb 22 2022
Please join me in prayer for God's Remnant to be full of Latter Rain Power, and for the devil's plans to be totally defeated in God's Church. Pray for all God's children to be united *in truth*, and not to push unity at the expense of truth, the way that the world and Babylon does. Please plead Jesus' blood on behalf of His Body. Thanks.
- Sep 26 2021
Make decisions for me financially in Crypto Currency to make the right investment. to 100,000 000x all my investments. show me system to take what you have giving lord for capital and auto gains. show me where to put the money for your purpose to help finish you work.. I paid tides and claim your promises in word...
charles wright - Sep 26 2021
My students are my children. We registered in person for online classes, and I saw these sweet children whose daddy died a few months ago, and I wanted to hug them. I couldn't, not even masked- up and sanitized, or I would be in trouble. Please pray for Jesus to come quickly, for Latter Rain Power to help us hasten His coming, for all demonic deceptions to be defeated by Jesus' blood. Thanks.
- Sep 13 2021
Special prayer for special protection for god through Christ to protect and remove all danger both seen and unseen and including covid-19 and all virus/&DISEASE from me and both of our families both spiritual and mental and in both professional and personal life. Give us the holy spirit. give us all positive emotion and happiness on my family list including Charles Wright, Lisa Ariotti, Lloyd, Randolph, Juliet, Joan & husband, Witcom and Ashley, Rose , Marcia and kids , Etta,
charles wright - Sep 11 2021
Please pray for my colleague P. Something is wrong, and I didn't know what, but God knows. Thanks.
- Sep 10 2021
Kellee was given poison by a trusted person, and won't take the remedy to the poison, as she won't believe it is poison until it is late, and the effects address obvious. Please pray. Thanks.
- Sep 09 2021
PROTECT MY POSITION AT MY CURRENT JOB and my job position and get high score
charles wright - Sep 03 2021
I am sick, and so is my elderly mother with whom I live (many chronic issues each, recently worsening, covid-19 negative). Again, I am leaving the house when I should be arriving at work. We got news this morning of a friend's death, after Mom had an asthma attack. Please pray for the bereaved family, and for us, too. Thanks.
- Sep 03 2021
Please pray for Latter Rain Power for God's people, for sealing, for readiness for the final, rapid events almost upon us, and for us to urgently spread the Everlasting Gospel, including the Right Arm of the gospel, the Health Message (NEW START/ CELEBRATIONS, natural remedies), which are the God-made (not man- made) solution to this crisis now.
- Aug 30 2021
Happy Sabbath. Please pray for some people to pay attention to and heed lifesaving and soul- saving information, urgently. Please plead Jesus' blood against the devil and his agents. Thanks.
- Aug 28 2021
Special prayer for Lloyd Wright job mandate vaccine. ask for the lord to break the evil job strong and the leave Lloyd alone not to take the vaccine.
charles wright - Aug 25 2021
Some will want to kill me, or at a minimum get me fired, for talking truths that can save many lives. Please pray for a "Daniel" all alone. Thanks.
- Aug 25 2021
Please pray for L and family, who are trying to save some people's lives, and some criminals are intent on killing them. Please pray. Thanks.
- Aug 25 2021
Please pray for the Board Meeting today, that God's Holy Spirit control, that Satan be defeated, that truth come out, that liars repent, that cowards repent, that God be in full control of His church, by Jesus' blood. Thanks.
- Jul 11 2021
In high school, the Math CXC marathon session was Sabbath night, and I didn't go. Math was my second worst subject. I got II (B) and I got the prize for best CXC Math results at my school. Now my students are invited to Zoom sessions on Sabbaths for their CXC Exams for my subject. Please pray for God to do it again for them --- I (A) and II for each one, without breaking Sabbath. Thanks.
Profesora - Jul 09 2021
Please plead Jesus' blood against the devil for me: Once again a demonic block is messing up urgent work with the deadline upon me. The internet is affected, and I have been directly blocked, too. Thanks for praying for God to do it again.
- Jul 09 2021
Infiltrators are half- making the Remnant a part of Babylon -- how far they have reached in secret says how short time is, because prophecy says that the Remnant will never be Babylon. Please pray, pleading Jesus' blood against the devil for His church. Pray for salvation for Secret Terrorists, of else that they have zero ability to hurt God's church from inside or outside.
- Jul 08 2021
Please pray about an urgent situation that I got a promise about for today. Please pray for today to truly be the breakthrough day with this and some other situations. Thanks.
- Jun 28 2021
Please pray for Joel 2:28-29, for God's people to see true visions and get true dreams, to know what needs to be known, and to *discern* between persons and messages who are from God and who are from the devil, no matter what the devilish ones pretend and how skillful the devil's disguises. Please plead Jesus' blood against all demonic influences among God's people. Thanks.
- Jun 28 2021
Happy Sabbath. Please pray for all who are in God's Remnant to do Satan's work to be urgently converted, in Jesus' name, or urgently removed and neutralised from messing with God's work and God's people, by Jesus' blood. Pray for all demonic influences in God's church to be removed, and for Latter Rain Power. Thanks.
- Jun 26 2021
I am requesting special prayers for God's protection through Christ for the removal of all danger both seen and unseen, including Covid-19 and all virus/&DISEASE from me and both of our families both spiritual and mental and in both professional and personal life. Give us the Holy Spirit. Give us all positive emotions and happiness on my family list, including Charles Wright, Lisa Ariotti, Lloyd, Randolph, Juliet, Joan & husband, Witcom and Ashley, Rose , Marcia and kids , Etta,
charles wright - Jun 25 2021
My elderly mother has been under attack from some devilish neighbours. They work obeah [witchcraft], and because God answered her prayers and stopped it from working, they curse her with loud expletives, saying *she* is an obeah woman. Please plead Jesus' blood against all demonic forces for her. Thanks.
- Jun 25 2021
Please pray for Art, Alvin, Smitty, and Dane to get only I's and II's [A's and B's] in their CXC-CSEC exams. Please pray for God to be glorified in His children, and for Satan to be defeated in their lives, rebuked from them by Jesus' blood. Thanks.
- Jun 25 2021
Guide me financially in Crypto Currency to make the right investment of 10,000 000x all my investments. I paid tides and claim your promises in your word...
charles wright - Jun 23 2021
Please pray for all who are in God's church to do the devil's work to be urgently converted, in Jesus' name, or urgently removed from messing up God's work and from being able to persecute God's people. Please plead Jesus' blood to remove all demonic influences in God's church. Thanks.
- Jun 20 2021
Please pray for the Lord to PROTECT MY POSITION AT MY CURRENT JOB and my job position and get high score.
charles wright - Jun 18 2021
Special prayer for special protection for god through Christ to protect and remove all danger both seen and unseen and including covid-19 and all virus/&DISEASE from me and both of our families both spiritual and mental and in both professional and personal life. Give us the holy spirit. give us all positive emotion and happiness on my family list including Charles Wright, Lisa Ariotti, Lloyd, Randolph, Juliet, Joan & husband, Witcom and Ashley, Rose , Marcia and kids , Etta,
charles wright - Jun 15 2021
[We read] In KJV, Ezekiel 22:30: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none."
O God, please help us and teach us to build a wall [of prayer] around the USA, Canada, Poland, European Union and United Kingdom. Are you ready to stand in the gap, where God is the Helper and Teacher?
Dear believers: we continue the good fight to the end.
Please pray that United Kingdom, European Union, Poland, the USA, Canada would overcome for: (The Acts 26.18).
* Poland and European Union, pray for freedom from dead religion to saving faith of Jesus Christ as the Saviour and the Lord by faith only,
* the Church in the USA & Canada & United Kingdom – Pray for repentance and cleansing of the church - Matt. 3.12 "Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."
* my family:
1. Bad executives are hurting me. Please pray for God's order in that case.
2. Stir up the hearts of my family for ministry for me, my wife Dorothy, our daughters Ann and Kristin, and our sons Peter and Daniel - "..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24.15
3. Pray for God's will, wisdom, discernment, revelation and recognition for me and my family; I ask God for Edmund’s work situation, God's direction for Edmund , Dorothy, Peter, Daniel, Ann(also God's protection and blessings over the company where she works and she needs a husband) and Kristin,
4. God's order in my work. I ask God for great wisdom at my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses. Thank God for the continuation of my work.
Edmund Krzeminski - Jun 10 2021
Guild me financially in Crypto Currency to make the right investment. to 10,000 000x all my investments. i paid tides and claim you promises in word...
charles wright - Jun 06 2021
Please pray. I am a single woman, living with my ill elderly mother. I have to take three public vehicles twice, to and from work daily, with heavy bags. I lost my old car last year due to refusal to pay a bribe. My mother is unable to go out due to health, age, and the pandemic. I urgently need a miracle vehicle. Please pray. Thanks.
- Jun 04 2021
Special prayer for special protection from god through Christ to protect and remove all danger both seen and unseen and including covid-19 and all virus/&DISEASE from me and both of our families, spiritual and mental and in our professional and personal life. Give us the Holy Spirit. Give us all positive emotions and happiness on my family list including Charles Wright, Lisa Ariotti, Lloyd, Randolph, Juliet, Joan & husband, Witcom and Ashley, Rose , Marcia and kids , Etta,
charles wright - May 30 2021
I need prayer for certain persons who condemn others on the Job. They need certain experiences, either in real life or in dreams, to stop condemning people. Please pray for my "Job friends" and for "Job." Thanks.
- May 27 2021
Please pray with me for the removal of demonic blockages to getting urgent, overdue work done. I only get anything done when fasting and praying against the devil, otherwise, I am totally blocked in almost everything. Thanks for praying with me.
- May 24 2021
Special prayer for special protection for god through Christ to protect and remove all danger both seen and unseen and including covid-19 and all virus/&DISEASE from me and both of our families both spiritual and mental and in both professional and personal life. Give us the holy spirit. give us all positive emotion and happiness on my family list including Charles Wright, Lisa Ariotti, Lloyd, Randolph, Juliet, Joan & husband, Witcom and Ashley, Rose , Marcia and kids , Etta,
charles wright - May 22 2021
charles wright - May 21 2021
The enemy just tried again to strangle my mother. A "ball" was suddenly in her throat, from nowhere, and she nearly died. Hallelujah, she called out to God, and it eased up. Please pray about *constant*, frequent demonic attacks. Please plead Jesus' blood for us. Thanks.
- May 19 2021
I live over an hour out of the town where I work, and take three public vehicles to get there [please pray about a car issue -- I had a jalopy and no longer do]. On Tuesday afternoon I left work feeling more *awake* and energetic than usual when I leave work. I took a route taxi, a Voxy, that carried the driver plus nine others, on the longest /middle part of my journey home. I was in the back in the middle. A man to the left was doing some strange things, and partway on the journey, a wave of sleepiness came over me for almost 10mins, which I prayed away. The young lady to my right fell fast asleep. I softly sang "In the name of Jesus, demons will have to flee," and prayed some more, and after another 10mins she woke up, and was able to come off at her stop, which was before the last stop of the route taxi. God rebuked the demons and the devilish people working with them, Hallelujah! Somehow I think they would have taken both her and me, never to be seen again. God is good.
- May 19 2021
Please pray for me I'm seeing things I'm hearing voices and feels insect walking on me please pray for me
Nelly Julesaint - Apr 30 2021
Please pray for our school. It is under the devil's attack. Please plead Jesus' blood for every student, staff member, parent, and all stakeholders, in Jesus' name. Thanks.
- Apr 22 2021
Greetings in Jesus' name. Please pray for me to get the call that I am to receive about my vehicle today. It is very urgent. Pray that I will be driving my vehicle again by tomorrow -- many issues are causing trouble without it. I have to struggle with heavy bags on three different public transportation vehicles for months, now, going to work, and my elderly mom is in headaches without it, too. There is a security issue, and I don't want to leave her alone at home anymore. Thanks.
- Apr 22 2021
Please pray for my overdue work to get done today, now. I have been unwell, and only a miracle will help -- but God works miracles. Thanks for praying.
- Apr 18 2021
I am studying theology at Newbold College in the UK and doing a part-time internship at Newbold Church - also please pray for my finances and accommodation, thank you, Philip.
Philip - Apr 15 2021
I live in a rural area with my elderly mother. There are two "scamming" gangs in the area, and partying and drug use and fornication are the norm - - we are hated for not being a part of the party scene. Theft is the norm, and covetousness is the norm. One young man who always wants a handout (always wanting a handout is the norm -- you had better have one to give, or else) came by today, and was acting weird, and refusing to leave. The Spirit warned to pay attention, and we were alert, or he would have taken our own kitchen knife to use against us. Thank God for protection. Please pray for us. Thanks.
Siser L - Apr 11 2021
Greetings in Jesus' name. My internet is acting up, and I have to participate in online worship on Sabbath. Please plead Jesus' blood against the enemy. Thanks.
- Mar 25 2021
The loss of our old car is causing lots of distress and affecting work functionality, etc. Finances are tight, and an urgent miracle is needed. Thanks for praying.
- Mar 10 2021
I am a teacher. I am ill. My internet and my devices are misbehaving. I am not ready for my classes, and this is very frustrating and distressing. I previously got used to excellence, but now am forced to get used to mediocrity and worse. "Pride goes before a fall," after all. Please pray for me. Thanks.
- Mar 07 2021
Happy Sabbath. We lost our old jalopy, and we urgently need a replacement in order to work, to minister, to function. We have many issues without one. Our finances are tight. Please pray. Thanks.
- Feb 26 2021
Pray for Mom's health, please. Thanks.
- Feb 22 2021
Our manager just tested covid-19 positive. Not all managerial / supervisory staff (let alone line workers) and customers follow protocols. Please pray for the family, our workplace, and customers. Thanks.
Ffffffffdf - Feb 21 2021
This Little Time of Trouble is a time to be paying off and closing out debts, not just starting five- and ten- year loans, but my situation now is tight. Please pray against debt, and for me to get urgent needs met without debt, in Jesus' name. Thanks.
- Feb 15 2021
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and blood pressure issues. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine, in Jesus’ name. Pray for the removal of debt regarding Lorraine, in Jesus’ name. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and become newer each day. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve and aunt Jackie.
Phil Chavez - Feb 14 2021
Our ill boss+ family are under quarantine and did covid-19 tests, awaiting results. Please pray for them and for us:- If they are positive, workplace, workers, clients, all are in stress. Please pray for God to touch bodies, samples, testing reagents+equipment+ reporting hardware and software, everything, in Jesus' name. Thanks.
- Feb 13 2021
Please pray for healing of hearts, bones, entire bodies --- physically and otherwise we urgently need healing from above. We are also under sustained demonic assault from various angles. Please plead Jesus' blood against the enemy for us. Pray also about car issues.
- Jan 29 2021
After almost a year of online- only school, we have half the students daily online & half at home, alternating days. We had severe behavioural issues before suddenly going online,& clear demonic influence was seen in many. Prayer eased some of it before we left-- we give thanks. Classes so far since we are back had a little bit of problems (mainly one specific class). Please pray for nothing worse than so far this week, only better, with the students under Holy Spirit control only, & pleading Jesus'blood against all demonic forces. Thanks.
- Jan 12 2021
Please pray for work issues -- I need to do excellent work, but health issues make it seem that I don't care to work well. I miss excellence, and have been stuck with below- mediocre work for too long. Please pray for miraculous healing to continue everywhere -- recently God enabled me to do some work that for a while I just could not manage, but I *need**much** more of the same. Thanks for prayers.
- Jan 07 2021
Please pray for our blood tests to clearly show what is wrong and what to do. Please pray for Divine healing. Please pray for God's glory in our health, family, finances, work, ministry, everything. Thanks.
- Jan 04 2021
Please pray for doctor to order needed tests, and pray for healing. Thanks.
- Dec 30 2020
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and blood pressure issues. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine, in Jesus’ name. Pray for the removal of debt regarding Lorraine, in Jesus’ name. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and become newer each day. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life regarding my uncle Seve.
Phil Chavez - Dec 29 2020
Please pray for my husband Sharath's salvation. He walked away from Christ, away from our marriage and started worshiping idols (eastern religion). But God has promised me that He will lead him to repentance and use him and me in His work. All I can see is things getting worse, but I walk by faith not by sight. So please pray, I want my husband to accept Jesus and come back to me. God has promised to restore every thing back to me, so I'm waiting patiently. Also, couple of my friends (Jeba and Rose) are sick, please pray for their healing.
God bless you all for your ministry. Thank you!
Sheela Sharath - Dec 21 2020
Please pray for healing for AM and AT, who are ill and under demonic attack. Pray for the enemy to be rebuked from them, by Jesus' blood, in Jesus' name. Thanks.
- Dec 15 2020
Today is my birthday. Thank God for keeping me alive and almost sane through thick and thin. Please pray for more blessing & keeping & protecting and urgently needed miracles. Please pray for God to be glorified in my standing for the right under pressure from almost all angles, and for Him to be glorified by blessing me so that it can be seen [by those who pressured me to do wrong] even today that I was right to do the right -- I have had some distress for a few weeks because of doing it right, and more and more are trying to convince me that I should have just done it the easier way. Thanks for praying.
- Dec 14 2020
We are in the Little Time of Trouble, and God's people are not ready for the big Time of Trouble upon us -- any minute now. Please pray Latter Rain Power. Thanks.
- Dec 10 2020
Greetings in Jesus' name. Please pray for DS, ST, AT, and our associates, who all went through a recent ordeal and huge disappointment. The devil is trying to discourage and depress us more and more. Please plead Jesus' blood against the enemy. Thanks.
- Dec 07 2020
Please pray for F, who who is under stress and gained lots of weight. Pray for M, who is worrying and missing sleep. Pray for S, who is under demonic oppression due to family members who dedicated her to the devil when she wanted to serve God. Please plead Jesus' blood against the devil and his forces for each one. Thanks.
- Dec 02 2020
Please pray about our car/ transportation issues, work issues, health issues, relationship issues, financial issues, work issues, school issues, etc. Please plead Jesus' blood against the enemy on our behalf. Thanks.
- Nov 08 2020
Please pray for miracles TODAY that God promised, not to be hindered anymore by any scheme of satanic forces, by Jesus' blood and in Jesus' name. Thanks.
- Nov 04 2020
And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.
John 16:23-24
- Oct 30 2020
The average people think that s/he is okay with God, once Christian "minded," maybe visiting church occasionally on Easter or Christmas Sunday/ Sabbath, playing gospel music on Sundays (and mixing the worst expletive- laced music with gospel music in the dance hall), keeping a little Gideon's New Testament/ Psalms/ Proverbs in the back pocket or car (occasionally reading Psalms.. even gunmen keep them in back pockets for "protection"), claiming to pray daily, and occasionally giving some offering to anyone seen heading to church... Please pray for Jamaica.
Right now many places are flooding, and landslides killed some people.. Thanks.
- Oct 25 2020
I am in great need of a vehicle to get to work an hour away (by driving) or three public vehicles away. Please pray that I will get through in the next few hours as I try to get it. It is needed for ministry to others, and the people around are rather careless on public transport in this covid-19 time (my list of preexisting conditions is not short). Thanks.
- Oct 23 2020
Please pray for demonic blockages preventing work and damaging work tools and preventing movement and interfering with health to permanently and urgently stop, by Jesus' blood. Pray for immediate functioning of all work tools. Thanks.
- Oct 22 2020
My laptop that I used to teach online from March to July suddenly wasn't working as online school was about to resume. The RAM chip was not in there when it was opened up-- nobody had access to it between when it worked and when it didn't. I put in new RAM but it isn't detecting the hard drive to boot up. I need the computer urgently, with the information on the hard drive. Please pray & plead Jesus' blood for me. Thanks.
- Oct 16 2020
I am trying to get my old car passed, and intend to do it God's way, not Satan's, by God's grace. Please pray that the Certificate of Fitness will be done today, without any more problems, pleading Jesus'blood against the devil for me. Thanks.
- Oct 12 2020
Greetings in Jesus' name. My family and I have been under demonic attack in every way, attacking belongings and work tools and health and energy and work and ministry. Please plead Jesus' blood against the enemy for us. It is urgent. Thanks.
- Oct 08 2020
Pray with me, please, about demonic blockages to my work. Plead Jesus' blood against the enemy for me. I am being depended on, but work tools and health and multiple resources are under concerted attack from the big Loser. Pray that the Winner, Jesus, will win for me in this situation now, too. Thanks.
- Oct 05 2020
My laptop wasn't detecting the hard drive, but it seems to be a RAM memory issue. Inexplicably, no RAM card is in the laptop. It was working before, and nobody removed anything or had access to it, but none is there. Please pray for the laptop to be fully functional urgently for online classes. Thanks.
- Sep 30 2020
Please join me in prayer for my laptop to function again. I need it to teach online. Please also pray for good internet service. Pray for the students needing devices and connections. Please pray for healing, too. Thanks.
- Sep 27 2020
Greetings in Jesus'name. I poured transmission fluid into my old car last week. Last night, the transmission failed on the way home, and when I looked, the fluid was dry. I got towed home. I looked this morning, and the fluid was full -- and the piece of rope still attached to the front of the car was not under the car where I left it, but pulled out to the front, as if to be towed again. Please plead Jesus' blood for my family and me against both demons and demonic people. Thanks.
- Sep 25 2020
Please Pray Healing for Hearing loss, Memory, Bad Posture, Body Pain, Blood Pressure and others )Pray Excellent health from head to toe and long life for Lorraine Chavez now in Jesus Name. Pray Debt be gone from Lorraine Chavez in Jesus Name. Lorraine Chavez Possessions(House,Cars,Appliances Ext.) last a 100 times longer and become newer each day now in Jesus Name. I pray for Lorraine Chavez. And Please Pray Excellent health from head to toe and long life for my uncle Seve Chacon.
Phil Chavez - Sep 15 2020
I have had victories (needing many more) and defeats (needing that to reach zero). I have hand to hand combat with demons especially this week. Please plead Jesus' blood against the enemy for me and my family. Thanks.
- Sep 14 2020
I am assuming that I am supposed to excel like I used to do, and supposed to get things done right, and supposed to be helping in this way and that way. If God sees that I am just supposed to be messing up forever and supposed to be blamed for everything all the time, and supposed to be as ineffective as possible and supposed to fail at all I do, pray for me to accept His will. I am worn out. Thanks for praying.
- Sep 11 2020
Happy Sabbath. Thank God for previous answered prayers and for your ministry. Please pray for healing of multiple chronic illnesses that seem worsening, and cause trouble with my work and ministry. Also, please pray against flu- like symptoms. Thanks.
- Aug 28 2020
Happy Sabbath. Please pray for the worship services today be full of the Holy Spirit, with zero interference from the devil, in Jesus' name. Thanks.
- Aug 07 2020
Please pray for healing and deliverance and protection and strength and latter rain power. Thanks.
- Aug 07 2020
(overseas) Our family has been punished in our local church, losing offices and being publicly embarrassed, for refusing to lie. Please plead Jesus' blood against all demonic forces for our local church, conference, union, division, and the world church. Thanks.
- Aug 05 2020
A work supervisor is trying to get "evidence" against me to get me fired, because I let superiors know what she did that nearly got the company closed (saving it), and she had to take early retirement. Please pray. Thanks.
- Aug 01 2020
Please pray for me that I may get my doctor internship job, which I lost due to illness, returned back to me as soon as possible, especially in these times of coronavirus disease. Thank you very much for praying for me.
Raajiv Prasad - Jul 27 2020
Again we have a smell like something electrical is burning, and we cannot see any plug or appliance that has any issue. If any wires installed anywhere in the house are burning, the correct thing would be to re-wire the entire house, which we cannot afford to do. Please pray for protection from damage to equipment, from electrical malfunction, and from fire. Thanks.
- Jul 22 2020
Please pray for my elderly mother's healing and deliverance from demonic attacks through the blood of Jesus. Thanks.
- Jul 10 2020
Happy Sabbath. Please pray for me to get done with all the work that is behind. It is extremely urgent, and physical and mental fatigue and brain fog are messing me up. Thanks for praying.
- Jun 05 2020
I’m asking for prayers for KHADIJAH HARDEN that God will break the veil of darkness off her spiritual heart and spiritually deliver her from the hands of Satan.
Jamal Cheatham - Jun 01 2020
Please pray for my father Kiro who had a stroke on Friday. He is in the ICU, not able to move, speak or eat. We are heartbroken and scared, but we know God is the best healer. Amen
Vlado A - May 24 2020
I am having hand-to-hand combat with demons, and I am worn out. The more I push to do all that I have to do, it seems the less gets done and the later it gets, the more weary and tired I become. I am continually banging my head against a jagged stone wall, and it is bleeding, so to speak. Please plead Jesus' blood for me, for my health, for my work, for my ministry. Thanks.
- May 19 2020
I urgently need many miracles --- the enemy has been messing with my work for a while now. Now it is working online, and I am right now fatigued and worn out, and can't get logged in. I absolutely *must* go on now and start working, and can't get in. Repeatedly my login gets messed up. I am seriously worn out. Please plead Jesus' blood for me. Thanks.
- May 18 2020
I got my refund from the April 14 prayer request, Hallelujah.
- May 18 2020
Please pray that I may be healed of painful hip bursitis,right side,due to a fall.Thank you and God bless you.Sid Nelson Alabama
Sid Nelson - May 16 2020
I did an online order March 6 that I immediately cancelled when I got some corrected information. The cancellation seemed to go through, but did not. I again tried cancelling after, with a note on the site that I had up to x date (not yet that date now) to cancel, and again the cancellation did not go thorugh. I urgently need the funds refunded that were spent on that order. Please pray.
- Apr 14 2020
Please pray for Barron's health and that he would accept God's 3 angels message
Kem Brown - Apr 07 2020
Greetings in Jesus' name. I teach at a school under demonic assault, with demons almost completely taking over the school. It is closed for covid-19 now, and in the absence of workers and students, I am requesting that you join me in prayer for demons to be expelled from the building and all items on the compound, from every student, parent, worker, past student, and stakeholder, by Jesus' blood. Thanks.[Mk7:30] [Thank God the Great Controversy will be over SOON, with the little time of trouble now.]
- Apr 02 2020
*I seem to have a demonic blockage to doing my work. I manage to do so much otherwise, but when I intend to do this specific work, I am just stuck. Please plead Jesus' blood for me. Thanks.
- Mar 31 2020
Please pray for all God's people in this "little time of trouble" to be prepared for the half-ease-up of "peace and safety" and for the "sudden destruction" of the full Time of Trouble with all hell breaking loose in natural disasters and pandemics and wars, etc., after, and for Sunday laws to "solve" the problems with demonic miracles to back them up, and for Seven Last Plagues on the devil's people, and for Jesus to come and end this evil world and restore the real normalcy of Eden on this planet. Pray that we will be ready and not too focused on getting back to our "normal" (which won't happen) and our plans for this life (very few of which still make sense), but plan for Everlasting Life and spread the Everlasting Gospel. Pray for the Latter Rain. Thanks.
- Mar 31 2020
I believe the Lord is leading me into a fast during this season, because of the worldwide coronavirus outbreak. Pray that the Lord will show me how this fast should be conducted, how long, and pray for the strength to enter into and complete this fast. Pray for the discipline to cry out for the countries and individuals with coronavirus. I believe the Lord is bringing a great shaking, and I want Him to bring the gospel and inner cleansing and healing to those with coronavirus. Pray that many other Christians in my part of Virginia will join me in this fast; we will be stronger together. Pray that it will be a season of brokenness for us, a season of transformation, where we learn to walk in deeper intimacy with Christ, and get deeply in touch with His heart for the nations. (Ezek 22:30-31)
Seth McAdams - Mar 15 2020