Bethany’s next baptism is April 4, Easter Sabbath. If you would like to be included, please share with the Pastor, Elders or Sis Paulette Dean.
Bethany’s prayer focus for March 22-28: For a Closer Relationship with Christ.
The ABC will have a storewide sale on Thursday, March 26. You are encouraged to get your Easter specials early.
Praise Reunion will be in Concert on Sunday April 5 at Evangelistic Temple. Tickets are available at the Conference Office.
The Brothers’ Love Band Boat Cruise will be next Saturday night, March 28 at 7:45. Prince George Wharf. Tickets are available from Bro Randy Forbes. It is an evening of music and wholesome family fun.
20 First day of Spring
21 Global Youth Day – Youth Pastor Alvarico Moss
21 Women’s Ministry Prayer service @ 5 pm (Postponed)
22 BA PTA Fun walk & Souse out 7 am from Blue Hill Plaza to School
22 Benefit Concert for Stephen Brown @ BFM @ 7pm
28 Community Guest Day, potluck lunch for everyone
28 Blood Bank will be here present, parking lot. Please give blood. 1-3 pm
3 Good Friday Holiday
4 Easter Baptism Sabbath
5 Easter Sunday
5 Praise Reunion Concert at Evangelistic Assembly
5-12 Union Pathfinder Camporee, Group visit.
6 Easter Monday holiday. “Let’s Move, Fun Run Walk”
11 Bethany Church 18 Anniversary
18 Elders Day
25 Health Evangelism Intensive (1 week). Health Book of the Year Distribution
2 End of One-Week Intensive Health Evangelism / Baptism
9 Mothers’ Day – Men & Non-mothers in charge
16 Pastor Peter Kerr ( Clarke @ Johnson Park}
23 World Day of Prayer for Children
25 Whit Monday Holiday
27 Joint prayer meeting (ATCU symposium, field reports)
13 WM Emphasis / Baptism
15 BA Elementary & Kindergarten Graduation
16 BA Secondary Graduation
17-20 South Bahamas Conference Camp Meeting
27 Vision One Million Baptismal Day