What is the ACUM Prayer Initiative?
It is a call to prayer and devotion to Christ in the context of Revival and Reformation.
When does it begin and end?
The ACUM Prayer Initiative begins January 1, 2012 and continues until December 31, 2012. Our Constant In Prayer program underscored more than ever that we need prayer each day like we need oxygen each second. Many are the trials and issues that come upon us daily, and therefore, we need to be prayed up. In the words of the Apostle Paul "Let's pray without ceasing" or simply pray always.
What is the focus of our prayers?
While the focus of the ACUM Prayer Initiative is on members and institutions, we also will pray for the countries in the ACUM territory namely, the Bahamas, Cayman, and the Turks and Caicos Islands. You are aware that elections are scheduled for the Bahamas. Let's remember that we are children of God and behave accordingly. In Turks, there is the uncertainty as to what will happen given the absence of a locally elected government. So, we must be constant in prayer.
May we pray for other entities in addition to what are assigned?
Yes. Although an assigned time has been given to pray for each field, church district, and institution, we may pray for other needs and concerns of our field or church/institution at any time.
Does this initiative replace other prayer programs?
No. The intent is for the ACUM Prayer Initiative to augment other prayer ventures. As noted in the prayer brochure, ACUM is a young and emerging field that needs the wisdom and guidance of God as it grows. Consequently, the ACUM Prayer Initiative gives direct focus to union-wide needs that we are asking you to add to your prayer list as we unite to proclaim God's word.
May we submit praise reports?
Yes. We welcome testimonies from each field and institution and look forward to receiving stories on how God is blessing. We anticipate video reports from the fields which would be most effective for sharing the inspiration of God's miraculous power with our union family.
With God all things are possible. Let us unite our hearts and efforts in prayer for each other.